The enforcement of intra-EU ICSID awards: shortcomings of the British approach

Luís Heleno Terrinha Of Counsel, PLMJ Lawyers[1] Assistant Professor, NOVA School of Law   This post discusses the reasoning behind the judgment of the High Court of Justice, dated 24 May 2023, on the dispute between Infrastructure Services Luxembourg S.À.R.L. and Energia Termosolar B.V. v. Kingdom of Spain (available here and discussed here). A later […]

Smart contracts and jurisdiction

There are no clear rules regarding jurisdiction when we are faced with smart contracts within a distributed ledger technology environment (the best known, blockchain). Derived from the vast innovation and investment in smart contracts, it becomes crucial to discuss which solutions could be adopted. Firstly, I will briefly address what blockchain and smart contracts are. […]

Smart contracts and jurisdiction

There are no clear rules regarding jurisdiction when we are faced with smart contracts within a distributed ledger technology environment (known as blockchain). Derived from the vast innovation and investment in smart contracts, it becomes crucial to discuss which solutions could be adopted. Firstly, I will briefly address what blockchain and smart contracts are. Then, […]