Samentha Goethals
Dr Samentha Goethals is Assistant Professor in Human Rights and Business at SKEMA Business School. She holds a PhD in Politics from Oxford Brookes University. She has developed an interdisciplinary research profile combining perspectives from socio-legal, global governance and organization studies that reflect her experience in both policy and advocacy work and academic research in the field of Business and Human Rights. Her research focuses on the meaning and translation of human rights in business organizations, the responsibility of business in contexts of forced migration including regarding the protection and integration of refugees, and human rights education in business schools. She has worked with several British Non-Governmental Organizations in the field of Business and Human Rights and co-authored several policy reports based on fieldwork in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Turkey and Jordan. Her recent article ‘Migrant Workers’ ‘Rights-Talk’ in the British Hospitality Sector’ was awarded the 2019 Best Paper by the Business and Human Rights Journal.