Lécia Vicente
Lécia Vicente is the Henry Plauché Dart Endowed Assistant Professor of Law at Louisiana State University Paul M. Hebert Law Center. She teaches business law, comparative law, and civil law. Before joining LSU Law, she was an affiliate with the Fordham Corporate Law Center at Fordham University School of Law.
She earned her Ph.D. and Master of Laws in Comparative, European and International Laws from the European University Institute and her BA in Law from the Catholic University of Portugal. She carried on her postdoctoral training as a postdoctoral research associate and lecturer at the Gies College of Business at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Prior to that, Professor Vicente was a practicing lawyer at international law firms. She worked on corporate, contract, real estate, and civil procedure laws of Portugal and other Lusophone countries such as Angola, Mozambique, and Brazil. She held visiting research positions at the Commercial Law Department of the Faculty of Law of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, the University of Illinois College of Law, the Fordham University Law School, the Institute of International Economic Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Helsinki, and the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon.
She has given academic lectures in comparative corporate governance and on the intersection of contract and corporate law in private companies at the Munich Center on Governance, Communication, Public Policy and Law at the Ludwig Maximilians-Universität, Munich and the European University Institute. Professor Vicente has presented and participated in multiple conferences, namely at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Comparative Law, the Kent Center for European and Comparative Law, the National Business Law Scholars Conference, the University of Michigan’s Stephen M. Ross School of Business, the European Association of Law and Economics, the Copenhagen Business School, and the Harvard Business School.
Additionally, in 2019, she was a Delegate to the 74th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in her capacity as Advisor to the Secretary of State for External Relations of Angola. In 2016, she was an Advisor and Head of Delegation of the African Union at the United Nations’ High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development under the auspices of the United Nations Economic and Social Council. She was also an Advisor of the African Union at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit for the adoption of the Post-2015 development agenda.
Her work is mostly interdisciplinary. Her main areas of interest are business law, civil law, corporate and comparative corporate law, comparative regional development law, contract law, law and economics, corporate and contract governance, history of corporations, and legal theory. Her scholarship has been published in distinguished journals such as the Fordham International Law Journal, Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal, and the Tulane European and Civil Law Forum. She has co-authored several book chapters and has been a guest blogger at the Business Law Professor Blog.