Carmen Márquez-Carrasco
Dr. Carmen Márquez-Carrasco is Full Professor of Public International Law and International Relations at the University of Sevilla (Spain), where she teaches the general course of Public International Law, European Union Law and International Human Rights Law and International Organizations. With a particular focus on international protection of human rights, her main research areas are Business and Human Rights, International Peace and Security, incl. EU CSDP, International Human Rights Law, International Humanitarian Law, International Criminal Law and Universal Jurisdiction. Since 2005 Carmen Márquez-Carrasco served as Programme Director of the European Master´s Degree in Human Rights and Democratization at EIUC (Venice, Italy) and has held the positions of Chairperson (2007-2013) and Vice-President and President ad interim of the EIUC Board (2015-2016). She was member of the Academic Committee that drafted the Spanish Nation Action Plan on Business and Human Rights (under the coordination of the Human Rights Office of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs). Currently she is a Member of the Academic Support Group of the ETOs Consortium; and she also serves as member of the Committee on Corporate Social Responsibility of the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF).
She is principal researcher of several research projects and participates in the BHRights Initiative, an interdisciplinary academic network on research and teaching on Business & Human Rights created in 2014. Márquez-Carrasco has published widely in international journals and edited volumes. Recent publications include “Access to Remedy for the Victims of Corporate-Related Human Rights Abuse”, in A. Bonfanti (ed), Business and Human Rights in Europe. International Law Challenges, Routledge 2019, pp. 183-195; “Las relaciones entre el Derecho Internacional y la práctica interna en el ámbito de los derechos humanos y la responsabilidad de las empresas” (AEDI) 2018; La Implementación de los Principios Rectores de las Naciones Unidas sobre Empresas y Derechos Humanos por la Unión Europea y sus Estados miembros, Thomson Reuters-Aranzadi 2017; El I Plan de Acción Nacional de España sobre empresas y derechos humanos: seguimiento, evaluación y propuestas de revisión, Thomson Reuters-Aranzadi 2019; La Unión Europea y los actores no estatales, Thomson Reuters-Aranzadi 2019. For an updated list of publications please consult https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=evsrvrMAAAAJ&hl=es