The NOVA Dispute Resolution Forum is a knowledge centre dedicated to research and education on the field of dispute resolution. It aims to raise debate on diverse subjects within Procedural Law, both Civil and Public, and Alternative Dispute Resolution, with an integrated approach to civil dispute resolution.
Within the knowledge centre, the activities are divided between the Alternative Dispute Resolution Lab and the Litigation Academy, which enables us to have multiple and dedicated teams that develop projects within both fields of study and which promotes an integrated understanding of both forms of dispute resolution.
With the goal of disseminating the research done, the NOVA Dispute Resolution Forum:
- Conducts Investigation Projects, such as the project “Insolvency Law in Portugal – multidisciplinary analysis”, which was awarded a grant of 200.000€ by the Science and Technology Foundation and is now in full force with a multidisciplinary team that integrates jurists, sociologists and economists;
- Produces Publications, by publishing the Alternative Dispute Resolution Lab’s Yearbook since 2019, and on the NOVA Dispute Resolution Forum blog;
- Offers Executive education, with advanced courses such as “Evidence in Civil Procedure: theoretical and practical perspective” (May 2019); “Post-Graduation in Arbitration” (8th edition – January to June 2020); “Special proceedings” (April 2020); “Introduction to Alternative Dispute Resolution” course; “Commercial Mediation for Lawyers” course and “Preliminary hearing” workshop.
- Organises an Annual Conference
- The Master’s in Ligation and Arbitration, offered by NOVA School of Law.
Mission and Goals
The NOVA Dispute Resolution Forum is a knowledge centre dedicated to research and education in the field of dispute resolution. Its activity shall be guided by innovation, pluridisciplinarity and internationalization.
The research is organised around significant subjects, selected considering the interests under the development of the knowledge centre and according to the added value that can be created for society. Among the researchers, there are students of all study cycles of NOVA School of Law, always under the supervision of one or more Professors.
Regarding the educational component, the goal is to make available advanced education, destined for Law professionals who want to update and deepen their legal knowledge. The courses have, as privileged participants, lawyers and judges within the fields of procedural law, without the exclusion of other professionals that aim to refreshen their knowledge on these matters.
Mariana França Gouveia – Chairwoman | Rita de Carvalho – Executive Direction | Joana Galvão Teles – Commercial Arbitration | Luís Heleno Terrinha – Public and Investment Law Arbitration| João Pedro Pinto-Ferreira – Insolvency and Civil Procedure | Joana Campos Carvalho – Mediation
Mariana França Gouveia
Rita de Carvalho
Executive Director
Joana Galvão Teles
Commercial Arbitration
João Pedro Pinto-Ferreira
Insolvency and Civil Procedure
Luís Heleno Terrinha
Public and Investment Law
Joana Campos Carvalho